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Business Plans
GF Material Technology Co., Ltd.


Local Business Plans in Philippine

  • Secure the 200Ha for the factory site in Santa, Ilocos Sur in the Northern area of Philippine.
  • After completing civil engineering, construction process of one building is now under way.
  • The target is to operate 50 production lines during the second half of 2019 and 200 production lines by the first half of 2020.
  • There is no problem in approval and license issued by a local government.
  • There is no concern about power quality because a power supplying partner can supply power for 24 hours by constructing its own supply line.
See the MOU Signed with Philippine

- Please understand that this is a confidential document, so we cannot disclose it in full.

Practicality of This Business

After performance test conducted by Philippine Department of Transportation, the GF-REBAR material certified to be used as reinforcing bar for concreate structure, instead of steel rebar.

After then, our company secured the Letter of Intent for about 140 billion won from a Philippine major company.

Technical Training Education for the LCS Industry

  • Briefing about how to operate all devices before the technical training.

  • Education for the general theory to increase understanding of production figures, how to use machines, applications, etc.

  • Practical training and education of actual manufacturing processes, how to use machines, emergency response procedures, etc.

  • On-site inspection by LSC Group’s chairman and the working group.

  • Completion of education for 24 days.

Local Promotional Video in Philippine

Watch the Local Promotional Video in Philippine