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GF Material Technology Co., Ltd.

About Our Technologies

Pultrusion Weaving System

Differentiated manufacturing method by adopting the use of new materials and new manufacturing process. With the mass production system adopting the weaving method, we can keep the stable quality level through the best equipment and efficient manufacturing method.

Manufacturing Process

  • 1

    Raw Material Roving

  • 2

    Resin Impregnation and Molding

  • 3

    Winding System

  • 4

    Heat Strengthening in an Oven

  • 5

    Cooling System

  • 6


  • 1
    Creel Table (Table Loading Yarns)
    - A table to load materials for smooth supply of glass fibers during work.
  • 2
    Resin Impregnation
    - It is the first molding step to pass through molds (with different thicknesses) after mixing resin and glass fiber.
  • 3
    Rib Winding
    - It is the second molding step of a rib shape to increase the strength.
  • 4
    Oven (Hardening Furnace)
    - It is the first hardening step to harden GF-REBAR by heating the oven.
  • 5
    Cooling Bath
    - It is the second hardening step to cool down the heat with coolant.
  • 6
    Drawing Machine (Caterpillar)
    - It is used for an important process that plays a role in forming ribs, which is for line speed and regular intervals.